Joel Meyerowitz

“Making any statement of your feelings is risky. It’s just like making pictures.”

Joel Meyerowitz is an American born street photographer, born 1938 in New York he grew up in the city and quickly starting taking everyday photographs on the streets of New York. 

I have picked Meyerowitz because when I first thought about “The Journey” he popped into my head with his style of work. Taking photos of people when they’re not looking and getting their reactions of different events. He really showed me what life was like on the streets of New York in the early 60’s, with the bussiness men and iron works to small kids running around.

What I like about Meyerowitz’s work is that its got that urban style like he’s gone around looking and waiting for the right time to take the shot. Its just worked perfectly for him.


Joel Meyerowitz New York City 1975


This photograph has to be my favourite by Joel Meyerowitz because of the cloud of smoke the couple is walking through and how well it rises, but not only that just the shaddows on the coats and how they are all wear similar things. He had to have been in the right place at the right time. 

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